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GP Toolkit - Episode 2

That's right, tools aren't just for building. Well, perhaps building a plan to feel as well as you possibly can.

What does it mean to have a GP toolkit? It might be different for each individual but it basically comes down to the items and resources that can help manage the challenges you face and improve your quality of life. Think of it as a first aid kit for the belly and mind. What you might reach for when you feel discomfort or to help prevent it. Many challenges can be soothed through the use of our senses like smell, taste, touch, sound, and sight. We will be talking about some of these ideas and share what we and other GP warriors have found helpful, what our toolkits look like.

Join us on our live radio show Friday, August 24th at 4 pm EST on Blog Talk Radio. A live call-in session is open at the end of the show so be sure to call with any questions or to share your own tools with our listeners!

All episodes will be available as a podcast and posted on this website, the HGPN Blog Talk page and on Stitcher.

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