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Shared Experiences

There is nothing like finding hope and inspiration from the words of those who have experienced their own healing. Below you will find some of the stories from our Wisdom by Nature book, and more, describing digestive challenges and how much implementing this new approach helped them improve their quality of life!


Cari S. 


I started the oils approximately one and half years ago. At times I felt defeated, thinking they couldn't possibly be helping. I felt like a mixed bag of emotions while getting a diagnosis here and “un-diagnosis” there. At this time, I do think I have gastroparesis due to slow stomach function at this point with very poor colon function. Eating brings with it so many mixed feelings. However, this is what I do know: the essential oils and protocols work the best to manage my symptoms. I haven't gotten to a place where food is my friend yet, but without the oils, sauerkraut juice, kefir...I wouldn't be eating at all. For that, I am blessed.

For anyone struggling with impaired digestion or constipation issues, there is help. It doesn't come easily...but it's definitely not in the Western Medicine realm as, for myself, their methods have only been a band-aid and not a solution. On that note, I am not against Western Medicine for treatment when necessary. I believe in a balanced approach of holistic, alternative, & Western if and when needed.

I have felt the benefits of this program more when I had to hold off on the protocol for a medical test. Every symptom came back with a vengeance!


Respectfully fighting for change,

Cari Oppen



Amy S.


I was diagnosed with gastroparesis in October of 2014. For the first ten months, the only symptom I experienced was bad bloating. Then I had a hysterectomy and that changed everything. I firmly believe that the trauma to my gut from that surgery changed my symptoms. I was now dealing with pain, indigestion, and heartburn. The pain was so bad I would lay in a chair in a fetal position at times. My doctor prescribed medication for gastroparesis and it helped for a while but soon stopped working. It was during my latest flare that I found Chalyce and the Facebook group. I joined the group, read the information and ordered the oils. I have been using the oils religiously for 2 weeks now and what a difference. I am eating again and able to get up and do things and be active. I am so thankful for this group and the oils. Thank you Chalyce and the members of this group and to Carol for being my buddy!




I was hesitant to post this for about three days now because I know some of you may have just started the protocol and may still be challenged. That's okay because, I too, was where you are at one point. I'm sharing this to give hope to those just starting and to those who still may be unsure of this protocol. Some of you may recognize me and some of you may not. I joined this group in late 2013 when I was pregnant with my daughter, desperate for a turnaround as doctors pretty much left me with no hope and began to give up on me. I had been losing weight and they were trying to talk me into delivering early as well as many other things I felt uncomfortable with. That was far from an option for me as I loved my daughter so much already. She depended upon me to not only nourish myself but to provide nourishment for her as well. Doctors said she would have taken what she needed from me anyways, but with what little I did have I was also unsure what to do.  But seeing how positive and helpful everyone in the group was upon joining, I felt like this was the direction God guided me to.

Fast forward, starting the protocol and changing what I ate little by little, I saw progress. Sure, I had rough patches where I had to start back from the beginning but it was a learning process and something I was willing to hang on to. When I got knocked back, I did not dwell on it, I just picked myself back up and kept going. The following is a summary of what happened.

Back when I started, and even the following year, I still struggled to tolerate even the simplest of foods. I was able to add things in month by month with the exception of all meat besides chicken, despite it being organic. Fast forward to the current time in 2016, two and a half years in, my significant other had purchased dinner at Trader Joe’s. I told him that I would just eat the sides due to the fact that every time I tried to eat red meat, it never sat well. However, he stated, "What's the worst that can happen? You have your oils and you definitely look way better than you did a year ago." My oldest son chimed in, "Oh come on, just a bite and if it hurts, we won’t ask again." I felt defeated in a way, but aside from Chalyce Macoskey and the others in the group (who have been so amazing!), my family had been my cheerleaders in life. It was a gamble and I thought for sure I would regret it. However, if there is anything that my mom taught me, it was to always try. You never know, unless you try. Life comes with many challenges but if we never go for what we want, we will always be left wondering “what if."  Note, I’m not suggesting anyone do this as far as food goes but you begin to know your body and what it can handle over time too.  So yes, I sat at the dinner table and tried some of the beef roast, potatoes and carrots, and a nice portion as well.  They all had the look in their eyes, ready for whatever was to come. Would I be sick, would I tolerate it?  And then I felt fine, even hours later. This happened Friday evening and I thought for sure Saturday morning I would wake up with something miserable whether it be nausea, pain, etc. Saturday morning came and I was fine. Saturday night...still okay. The look on their faces was filled with joy. Sunday arrived and I thought, after holding my breath for what seemed like an eternity, “if pain or anything would have happened it would have happened then or the next day following.” I'm happy to report that Monday morning, I still felt great. No symptoms, no side effects, etc. Nothing but wet eyes writing this story, lol!

Moral of the story is.... With this protocol comes a huge change, and it’s not overnight. I'm almost 3 years in and it's as if my body feels a sense of relief. I don't feel as run down, I have more energy being a mom, passing my classes and getting ready to graduate with my associate's degree in November, something I thought would likely never happen. I even had a surprise pregnancy a year after delivering my daughter and doctors were amazed at how much of a champ I was that time around than I had been in the past. I had rough points, but hospital visits were slim to none. I was able to enjoy every moment of it. He was far from planned but he is a great addition and I would feel incomplete without him. So this story is for those who are still starting out, remain positive, those who are unsure, go for it. Last but not least, to those who may want or have hopes of getting pregnant but were told it was too dangerous, or you may be too scared...there is hope. When the body starts to heal, or gets a break from all of the health challenges and given the chance to heal, you will be amazed at what you can do. Am I cured, no. However, GP will not defeat me and the more it kicks, the more I fight back. You can bet that I feel like me again... still have a road ahead and I still may fall, but I won’t let it get me down.

For laughs, my insurance company sent me a letter the other day stating, "Congratulations Loretta, you have successfully been removed from our lock-in program." This is a program for those who receive state Medicaid or have received it, and used the emergency room too much and/or visits the doctor too much, so they restrict you. I have not been to the ER to manage GP in who knows how long. Last time I had a hospital stay was to deliver my son back in December. I have not seen my PCP in over a year and not currently under the care of any specialists. My dad, who carries me on his insurance plan (my primary insurance) even chuckled that I must be improving because he has not received any claims for me in awhile!


Cindy C.


My name is Cindy and I am a member of your Healing Gastroparesis group. I just wanted to tell you that your oils changed my life. I was bed ridden, unable to even keep a cracker down. I went from doctor to doctor taking prescription after prescription, enduring horrible side effects. I was on the verge of having surgery and giving up on life. One day I came across your page and started reading about your oils and the lifestyle changes suggested. I ordered some oils and started following a much healthier lifestyle. It's been about 4 months and I am amazed at how much I have healed. I have more energy and am actually eating solid food, something I never thought I could do again! I can spend time with my family, pursue my dreams, and actually lead a relatively normal life without having GP drag me down. It has not only helped me physically but emotionally as well. I don't feel the horrible anxiety and depression I once felt with GP. Thank you so much for your time and your oils, it has really been a godsend for me.



Shared by A.J.


I've learned that a compromised digestive system can be the source of the symptoms that we are describing, especially in terms of digestion and allergies. I have had diarrhea off and on for 7 years. Doctors have done a myriad of things to me to cure me, such as take out my gallbladder. When I joined this site, everything that I had learned came together and I finally understood what my true problems are. Chalyce Macoskey and others have helped me to begin to get my life back.
History: It was the realization/discovery that my diarrhea was allergy based on wheat and other grains that headed me in this direction. The allergies were caused by a diseased digestive system, stemming from a change in diet of organic whole foods and pure well water to supermarket foods and city water when I was 12 years old. I went through elementary school as a healthy child. When we moved to the city from the farm, I began to have health problems. I had rheumatic fever which further compromised my health. I was about 15 years old when I was admitted to the hospital, they tested for allergies. I had many allergies, food and environmental. Now I realized that it was caused by the change in diet and living conditions.
In 1989 I was diagnosed with Epstein-Barr syndrome and had to change my lifestyle. I went on an organic vegetarian diet with reverse osmosis water to drink. I learned about essential oils and their use and application. I was religious in this protocol. This rid my body of the RA (rheumatoid arthritis), candida, and allergies. I was finally healthy and felt good.
Why did I change? How did I change?  My back was injured when I was transferring a patient I was taking care of.  The patient unexpectedly began to fall and using improper body mechanics, I saved her, but torqued my spine and broke both ankles. This forced me to have to move in with my son so I could have constant care. My diet changed for the worse again. Later, I moved from Ohio to Georgia to a retirement village. It was mandatory to eat in their cafeteria and the food was good.  It was appreciated that they paid attention to my allergies but the diet included meats, no being a vegetarian there.
In 2008, my colon twisted from all of the diarrhea, and consequently, I had emergency surgery to remove 12" of it. The diarrhea would clear up at times, and I could eat normally, only to have it return again. This time it has been ongoing for several months. I was hospitalized in March 2013 with the GP and released after 4 days on an IV, still with diarrhea. Of course, I have gone through the gamut of doctors, who did all of the testing they knew to do. Regardless, I was left with no diagnosis or recommendations of any kind that could help me.
At this time, mental function had slowed down, and I even forgot how to take proper care of myself.  I've had two spinal fusions, one in 2002, and one in 2012. I've been unable to work since November 2011. This last surgery wiped me out and it was all I could do to just make it through each day.
By chance, I met nutritionist Ig Vigé online. After hearing my story, he suggested that I treat this as Celiac Disease, even though the tests for CD were negative. That started the ball rolling, and I soon realized that it was the wheat allergy that was causing the majority of the problems. I am allergic to all grains, but had continued to eat wheat products. Ig Vige signed me up in the Facebook group discussed in this book and with the help of this group and protocol, my health is returning. There are still bouts of diarrhea, but there are also whole days of freedom.
Now, to the present: For the past few weeks, I have studied everything in the files and that people reported to gain a greater understanding of our problems. Articles on "leaky gut" explained the damage that I had done to my digestive system, resulting in things such as a systemic candida infection and diarrhea. The solution? A proper diet and essential oil protocol.  I am so thankful for this group and the people who have helped me.



Shared by wife Carol


I wanted to take a minute to share what the protocol here has done for my husband. This will be somewhat lengthy but feel it may be helpful for some and certainly hope it gives hope to those who struggle daily!

My husband's illness started in February 2014 where he became ill in the DR. He caught either some bacterial or virus that affected his GI system. Once home he just never felt right. He had fatigue, shortness of breath, aches in his joints and his appetite wasn't great. Now you see my husband was very active and healthy up until this point. Over the course of about a year, we had everything checked from head to toe. MRI's, chest x-rays, endoscopy, half of his thyroid removed, you name it we did it. Also during that time, the doctors would have him "try" this medicine and if that didn't work they would try another. He was on every stomach medicine known to the Western medicine world. He was also put on several antibiotics, 6 different ones in a 9 month period. All the while his condition was continually getting worse with debilitating nausea that kept him from eating. The nausea was so bad some days he didn't get out of bed or out of the recliner and had quickly lost 40 lbs.

We have been to Vanderbilt, Emory (24-day hospital stay that left him on TPN for nutrition), and Mayo Clinic. We have seen probably every holistic, integrative and "natural" doctor within a 150-mile radius. I can't tell you the money we have spent on this supplement and that supplement. We were exhausted, physically and mentally.

In January of 2016, I encouraged my husband to try the oils AGAIN. See, we had tried them before, but we had not been consistent, and honestly, we couldn’t fathom something so simple working. So this time he agreed to give it a month, stating “I will commit to doing the protocol talked about in this forum and we will see at the end of a month how I feel.” So we stopped all supplements and committed to the oils, kraut and tried to find the right foods to supply nutrition to support his body. Amazing results happened within the first week. Nausea was a little less intense every day and he experienced periods with no nausea at all, seeing improvement daily. Not huge changes but gradually we were making progress. We also had some "bumps" in the road. Yes, we went backward too at times. But we knew how to get back on track.

Today my husband is doing so much better. In fact, there are days that he doesn't feel like he has ever been sick at all. I am telling you this protocol will help your quality of life! You just have to be patient and you have to be conscious of when and what you eat. I am NOT saying there is not a time and place for medicine, but do your research and be your own advocate! You have that right and no one cares more about your health than you.

Thank you Chalyce Macoskey and Kathleen Atkins for everything you do. I honestly don't know how you both do it all, but I am thankful every day for people like you who care enough to help!




When writing this, I had just started this journey with Chalyce Macoskey and Kathleen Atkins a few weeks ago. I don't know the exact date but even after I got my oils I did not start them right away. I know everyone is looking for relief as soon as possible, however, if I learned one thing from the first conference call it was the importance of education. I have listened to that call 3 times and every time I pick up something new. I have "liked" few other pages on Facebook and have been researching a lot. My take away from what Chalyce is sharing is to help us understand the nutrition piece. After reviewing the suggestions I went shopping, revamped my food pantry, knowing it was not going to work by continuing to eat junk food.  Case and point, I was out shopping for "real food" yesterday and so hungry. I felt good at the time good because I hadn’t had any highly processed foods in a week and I slipped. Within a couple hours, I felt so bad I had to go home and it was déjà vu, sick all over again. I know people say it's more expensive to eat better, however, I'm finding a lot of ideas on Pinterest on how to shop organic on a budget, where to shop and lots of other great tips. I'm finding it's not as pricey as I thought it was with the exception of organic meat at times.  Walmart actually has quite a bit to offer but you really have to look and read the labels. If you are struggling purchasing the proper food think this way...if I no longer have a numerous copays each time I have to go to the doctor or the ER ($12 to doctor, $25 to specialists and $30 ER visit), then there is more in money in my budget to buy the better foods! This is all my opinion but I feel very strongly about this because it has changed my life. My family and friends and colleagues have commented about how my entire demeanor is different. I know a lot of you may be in a different place than me as far as how sick you are. However, we all have gastroparesis, it has probably been with us for more than a few days and it's going to take more than a few days to heal. If you haven't been able to eat you must take it slow and make small changes in the beginning, believe me when I say don't get overzealous!  It only took a little more than a day after I started the kefir and introduction to whole food and the use of the oils to feel better. Now I hardly have to use the oils, so it's time for me to work on my next change, to stop smoking with the help of the lung tonic from Essential7. I hope I haven't stepped on any toes by sharing this but it has been a long time since I felt as positive and passionate about something as I do with this.  God has given us a gift of these two angels to provide their time and knowledge to those out there suffering. I really enjoy a song by Josh Wilson, Before the Morning. I encourage you to listen to it, apply it to our life with gastroparesis, it will give you hope. Ok, now I'm tearing up so have a great day and wishing you the best!




I would first like to thank you Chalyce for allowing me to be in your study group. It has changed my life for the better. My experience with doctors and medications left me less than eager to try anything else. I was in the Healing Gastroparesis Naturally group for quite a while but was reluctant to try it. I probably never would have without the study group. Before the oils, I went most days without eating because I never knew when diarrhea would hit me. If we went out to eat I had to come straight home. Sometimes I did not make it. I felt hopeless and not very good about myself. After a few weeks on the oils and learning the proper ways to eat everything started changing. I can now eat snacks at work and a full meal at home. I used to sit in the restroom for hours after I tried to eat. Now I no longer do that. I know this is not a cure-all because I still have some pain and nausea on a very rare occasion, mostly after I either overeat or eat something I know doesn’t settle well. But now I can also sleep better at night after a lifetime of waking up at least a dozen times to look at the clock. I feel more confident in myself. I have actually been able to eat a meal and go shopping. I can't remember the last time that I could do this. I would highly recommend these oils to anyone with GP. It feels like a miracle to me. If you follow the procedures, eat properly and use the oils, it will make a difference in your quality of life. Thank you again, Chalyce.


Dona Wilhelm


“You will NEVER be able to eat fresh fruits or vegetables again the rest of your life.” That is what the GI doctor told me in 2013. I was still out of it from the anesthesia, and wearing a diaper because I couldn’t control the diarrhea. She said I had gastroparesis. Gastro what?! She advised me my vagus nerve had to have been damaged from the gall bladder surgery over a month prior to this upper endoscopy, which I thought at the time had been an ulcer. Since my gallbladder removal I had suffered from horrible heartburn, nausea, vomiting, no appetite, brain fog and non-stop diarrhea, rushing to the bathroom up to 40 times a day, then alternating with constipation. Every time I mentioned it, the doctors thought I was crazy. I had no idea how I could have so much in me as I had barely eaten due to the severe heartburn.


I was on a PPI for 7 years and only once had a doctor tell me no one should be on it this long, as it causes many other issues. I had to take them daily, or the heartburn would return. So every day I took it without fail. I was very confused as to why I suddenly had heartburn, as I had not stopped taking it after my gallbladder was removed, even though the GI said I should experience less heartburn after. During the visit with my surgeon, he could not look me in the eyes. After he had told me my gallbladder needed to come out, I never even asked why. I just assumed he knew my best interest. Looking back I could kick myself for being so naïve. After it came out all of my problems started again so I went back to him begging for help. He simply said, “Some people don’t do surgery well” and upped my PPI to double the dose. I knew right then something was horribly wrong. I had arrived to see him covered in sweat, wearing a diaper from diarrhea, with major heartburn, vomiting and absolutely scared to death. I knew I’d never return to that doctor and I knew I did not want to take more of the PPI than I was already taking.


I went to several more GI’s looking for someone to help me. The one that told me I’d never be able to eat fresh veggies or fruit again was the first one after the surgeon. I remember asking her, “How will I get my nutrition?” I was never a healthy eater, but I knew I couldn’t be healthy eating canned items the rest of my life! I also remember looking at my husband and telling him to remember the words vagus nerve, as I had never heard of that, but if it had been damaged during surgery, I should look that up.


For over a year, I went to different doctors, begging for help. Some did tests but offered no answers. I finally got a gastric emptying study done (the “gold standard” for gastroparesis diagnosis) and advised to only eat low fiber, canned items, no meat. By then my hair began falling out and my once strong nails were peeling off, signs of being malnourished. Not to mention what it did to my brain, I couldn’t even function. I started saving all the records of tests I had done so each time I went to see a new GI doctor I could show them, hoping they would have an answer. Instead, I was given the runaround, not to mention more medications which had permanent side effects. I was put on a medication for motility, and my husband had to call the doctor telling her my heart rate was so high I felt like I was having a heart attack. She simply said she hadn’t noticed what other medication I had been on, it was contraindicated and I was advised to stop taking it immediately. When I told my dermatologist what happened, she looked it up and was so angry, stating it was a black box medication, meaning it can be very dangerous for some. She would sit and cry with me, as I told her all that I was going through. Another supportive medical professional on my team included my therapist, whom I had seen for the past 20 years. The antidepressant I take is what interacted with the motility drug, thus making me go into serotonin toxicity. I was told by other doctors these symptoms were all in my head. Why would I make this up? And it made my therapist so angry because he knew me! It was obvious I was in major trouble. Without those two doctors, I probably would have been convinced I was crazy. And to be honest I may even be dead, or wish I was at this point if I had kept on that road going from doctor to doctor only to get no help.


I am leaving out quite a few stories I went through over those months but similar to many others who have gone through the same issues. I joined a lot of groups and help forums on Facebook, trying to wrap my head around what could be done to help me. I don’t remember exactly how I found Chalyce and Kathy’s group, But it didn’t take long for them to become my allies, trying their best to support me.  Kathy had dealt with the same things I did and we were tired of it. They both sent me care packages of the essential oils, kefir, and coconut water to help me get back on my feet. I am forever grateful to finally be getting somewhere positive. I was able to wean off of my 7 year PPI medication, and to this day, years later, I have not had to take another pill. I tried salt sole as Chalyce had shared the research on and I no longer have heartburn. If I do get it occasionally, I simply take a “shot” of sole and it’s gone. Who would’ve imagined some “salt water” would make my heartburn go away!


I used to drink Gatorade daily to replenish my electrolytes since I barely ate. I knew it had a lot of sugar in it, but that’s what I had been advised to take. My face broke out in pimples like I was a teenager, my hair fell out, and my nails peeled off as I suffered from not getting any nutrition. When I lost 60 pounds I was wearing a kid size 14, staring at the scale showing I was down to 100 pounds. I knew I would soon need a feeding tube if I didn’t start to eat. I learned how to eat again from Chalyce and the group. I am now beyond blessed to say I no longer struggle. I was told I would have issues the rest of my life and I wanted to die. I didn’t want to live like that. What did I have to look forward to?? I couldn’t go out or had to cancel at the last minute all of the time because I would get too sick. I would pass out several times a week. I couldn’t think straight. I was terrified to try fresh vegetables or fruits. The first time I did, I ate one green bean. The amazing thing is, I tolerated it, and had a bowel movement, something I had struggled with from one extreme to the other since I was diagnosed with GP. It’s because I was able to finally eat my nutrition. I started paying more attention to the people who truly wanted to help me get better and got out of most of the “support groups” that were so depressing. Why would someone attack another person in a support group, knowing the struggle we are all in. It isn’t a race to see who hurts or is struggling the most, and if it is, it’s a race I don’t want to win! That’s not living.



I now have found several people I stay in contact with who I owe my life and health to. It’s because of them, and the “new me”, that I’m alive and no longer struggling today. I had to learn that the medical doctors, for the most part, cannot always help you and often don’t want to take the time to find the root cause. In the end I am glad this happened to me. Before I was just “floating” through life. I have a new group of friends that are health conscious, and teach me how to be natural about what I put into my body.





Alais Howard Reta


The choice to go holistic for me was an easy one. It has always been my intention to heal naturally from within since my health crisis started over three years ago. Chalyce’s protocol is a lifestyle change for better health. Nature is a powerful medicine. More people need to learn the power of natural healing. There are many benefits to clean organic foods, free from pesticides, antibiotics and other gut destroying things. Essential oils are the natural “medicine” that boost the power of a healthy lifestyle approach. I have benefited greatly from the lifestyle changes Chalyce has taught, as well as essential oils to manage any symptoms along my healing journey. Thanks to this approach, I am completely off all prescription meds and I don’t remember the last time I took any Tylenol or Motrin for pain. I look forward to waking up every morning with a new lease on life. I actually feel healthier than I did before my health took a turn for the worse. Chalyce’s protocol has been instrumental in how great I feel today. It works!!

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